Saturday, September 14, 2013


Okay. I have decided to try this blogging thing, we will see how well I keep it up. The goal is mainly to document my weight loss journey and to hold myself accountable, as well as provide proof that I am losing the weight. I will throw in some about my life as a mother and wife and me in general. And use this to work through the prosses of making myself a better person inside and out. A theripist told me years ago to start a blog to help me work through my depression issues, well im doing it now three years later. So here we go.

Gotta love my guys: Hubie: Kyle Edwin Moravec and Son: Jude Ambroze Keeling.

Yep my Hubie and I have different last names and yes he is Jude's daddy. Kyle is my one and only and to put any questions out there out of the way. I chose to keep my name and Kyle Edwin chose to give our sweet little boy my name. Enough of that before it becomes a rant.

[Picture to left is me on May 4, 2012 4 days after my son was born. Its the best I can do of a picture of me around the time I decided I needed to get my bum in gear.]

To the weight loss thing. I started my weight loss journey roughly a year ago. I had started to try before that and got stuck or gave up for various reasons:some temporarily justified (illness, pregnancy, miscarriage,  pregnancy again, surgery) others not so much (laziness basically). I decided after I had Jude(born May 10, 2012 for the curious) that I needed to get my not so cutie patotie into gear and turn it into a cutie patotie. When I started I weighed roughly 220lbs at a height of 5'5''

Interrupt for a brief history lesson. When I met Kyle in 2002 I weighed 85lbs and was 5'5''. I also had an eating disorder and depression. I would not eat during the day than gorge myself at night often to the point of making my self sick. I would often make myself throw up because of the overly full feeling. It started off unconsciously and over time turned to something I felt the need to do and chose to do. With lots of support from good friends, I hid this from most of my family (not sure how many of them know this, cats out of the bag now) and a conscious effort on my part I got better and gained some weight. Than I hit collage and started getting lots of attention that I wasn't use to. My solution after trying dressing like a bum most of the time was to gain some weight but the weight gain got out of control. Enter the weight loss battle roughly 2007. End history for now.
Pictured below

: 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008

Food is comfort to me has been as long as I can remember when I'm feeling down I go to food. This has not helped my battle.  When my depression is at its worst I gain a lot of weight because I go to food instead of finding another outlet. I'm learning to talk to my friends or Hubbie when I'm having those horrible bad times and am trying to replace food and bed with exercise and sunshine. Not as easy as it sounds, but I think I'm getting better at it. I also love backing and am currently only allowed to bake when I have a reason besides I want a cupcake.

Back to weight loss. I have lost about 70lbs in the last year and gone from a size 16 to a 6 in pants I'm an 8 in dresses. I never thought I could be a 6 again. I still have a ways to go. My Dr says I should be around 120lbs. So that's where I am slowly working to. My current goal is a pant size by Christmas.

There is a little of this and that about me. Some of it things I try to make myself talk about so I can be healthier both mentally and physically, and not easy to talk about,  on another not. Enjoy my rambelings and my journey.

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